
Linda Bourne

medium: ceramics

Artist Statement:

My pottery is a constant exploration of shape, design and color. My favorite part of this process is designing new shapes. I am looking to make that piece unique, either giving it whimsy or making it beautiful or both. I tend to design asymmetrical pieces that convey movement within the piece.
Colored clay creates the design on the pottery piece, employing the ancient Japanese art of Nerikomi. I mix white stoneware and high fire colorants together to make colored clay. Each piece is a mix of solid color or stacked colors that are manipulated to produce different designs. They are rolled into clay slabs with similar designs on them and use a template to position the design and cut the two sides. These are attached to a base and if the piece has a handle, it is attached at this time. All vases and pitchers are glazed on the inside to hold water. The exterior has a matte finish to it. My website, shows the process and gives information on where to see my work.

Artist Bio:

I grew up in Portland and received a degree in graphic design from Portland State University. Two books include photos of my work, Hand Built Ceramics and 500 Pitchers.


In Hebrew, ORA means “light”
luminosity, warmth, perspective, liveliness, brightness.

ORA is a group of artists in the Portland, Oregon area who have
come together to support, share, inspire, enjoy and showcase our art.