
Eddy Shuldman

medium: Glass, Judaica

Artist Bio:

I am the child of holocaust survivors, an only child, a passionate Jew, educator, wife, mother, grandmother, and one who sometimes is challenged to call herself an artist.

I am also a life-long educator, retired alternative education teacher and adjunct professor of education. In the Jewish world, I continue to work as a tutor for Bar and Bat Mitzvah training and I also volunteer as a lay leader at my synagogue and for Cedar Sinai Park.

Early in my teaching career I made a decision to periodically take classes that would be extremely challenging, as a way of being reminded of how challenging learning can be for my students. One such class was an introduction to stained glass. I had never showed any signs of artistry and this class was no exception. My teacher actually said, “Eddy, I have never seen a student work so hard and break so much glass.” The class was a humbling experience to say the least! Despite my struggles, I was hooked . I worked at small window construction and sun catchers on and off for several years. Finally, I managed the courage to introduce my alternative high school students to this craft. The class was a success and glass became a regular elective that I taught for the balance of my career.

Long story made a bit shorter, I was introduced to glass fusion a few years later which initiated my true love for glass. Practicing stained glass gave me the skills to handle glass but fusion opened an artistic vision I never imagined possible. Through this art form I can blend my love for Judaism with my love affair with glass.

A few years later my husband encouraged me to begin selling my work. Those opportunities were slim so, working with several other Jewish artists, we formed ORA Northwest Jewish Artists.
I served as president for 9 years, and continue to serve on the board taking on a variety of roles, as needed. I am gratified by the work I do and the opportunities for artistic growth ORA has offered me.

In Hebrew, ORA means “light”
luminosity, warmth, perspective, liveliness, brightness.

ORA is a group of artists in the Portland, Oregon area who have
come together to support, share, inspire, enjoy and showcase our art.