
David Kolasky

medium: ceramics, metal, wood, mixed media, glass

Artist Statement:

Art is what you make it and I make it in a variety of mediums. I use multi-mediums in my work and often make similar pieces in different mediums. I never name my works as that limits how people might look at my art.

Artist Bio:

I am a retired hospital administrator turned artist. I began blowing glass at the Toledo Museum of Art in 2002 and at Bowling Green State University. Soon I was exhibiting at art shows throughout the Midwest. One thing led to another. I began welding stands for my glass sculptures. This, in turn, morphed into jewelry, welding metal sculptures, and forging Damascus steel knives! After moving to Portland in 2013, I added ceramics and wood turning to my artistic efforts. While I am involved with a variety of mediums, most of my work is sculptural in nature. Lately, I am combining glass with steel and ceramic with wood and steel. I’ve started to finish many of my ceramic works in non-traditional ways, such as metal patina. I am anxious to see the next evolution of the artist!


In Hebrew, ORA means “light”
luminosity, warmth, perspective, liveliness, brightness.

ORA is a group of artists in the Portland, Oregon area who have
come together to support, share, inspire, enjoy and showcase our art.